Knowledge sharing aims at de-risking the addressed BECCS solutions with regard to scaling up to a commercial size, to accelerate their deployment and increase confidence in the market for negative emissions.

First of all, our aim is to frequently interact and share information with projects funded by the European Innovation fund acting in relevant sectors. Other projects that share similar interest are also welcome to contact us to exchange knowledge. We will continuously arrange meetings with focus on our knowledge sharing areas as well as participating in meetings arranged by others where these topics are highlighted.

Furthermore, we also intend to share knowledge with the wider technology community, the EU Commission, researchers, NGOs, international organizations, other projects as well as the public. This is done by open webinars and meetings, either arranged by us or by others.

The knowledge sharing areas in which we engage are:

Our value chain

The Beccs technology is a replicable technique paving the way to net carbon negative markets and foster carbon capture and storage value chain connections. Not only can it be replicated in other location, but also within other industries and further afield, as well as scaled up.

The CCS-value chain begins at the stage where the carbon dioxide is being captured, followed by liquefaction and buffering. Thereafter, the CO2 is transported by ship to an underground storage site.

Beccs Stockholm being one of the early adopters adopting the Beccs technology will be an important player in establishing the necessary link in the value chain throughout Northern Europe. Not only will Beccs Stockholm aid the development of a new European market for net carbon removals but also act as a lead for other CCS projects till follow suit henceforth.

Thus far, two locations have been identified as replicable for the solution. If implemented, the two sites would have the potential to capture 1.1 Mt CO2 per year, of which 0.8 Mt from biogenic sources. Further, by replicating the technology in other industries, such as the pulp and paper industry, waste incinerators and heat plants the solution also has the potential to be scaled up across the economy, and thereby contributing to the necessary net carbon removals foreseen by relevant scenarios reaching climate neutrality.


A mature and scaled BECCS industry will make investments, employ people, and demand goods and services from across the economy. If 10 million tons BECCS per year is realized through public investments, the industry will contribute SEK 6 billion to GDP and support 7,000 jobs throughout the Swedish economy. In a more scaled-up scenario, where public funding helps mature the technology and paves the way for marked-based funding of 30 million tons of negative emissions per year, the BECCS industry contributes SEK 24 billion to Swedish GDP and supports 28,000 jobs.