With the ambition to provide the most sustainable Carbon Dioxide Removal in the world, Stockholm Exergi can help you become net zero by 2028. Stockholm Exergi wishes to invite companies to acquire negative emissions that can be used to reach climate objectives by neutralizing residual emissions, within a framework of emission reductions in line with limiting global warming to 1.5 °C.

In practice, companies can buy carbon removal certificates (CRC) corresponding to 1 tonne of carbon removals per CRC, with no other company being able to claim the same tonne in their climate accounting. In terms of accounting, the carbon removals will be accounted outside the sum of Scopes 1 to 3 as neutralization of residual emissions in a company’s value chain.

Our BECCS implementation has unique advantages

Interested in Carbon Removals?

    If you are looking to buy smaller volumes of permanent removals or want to learn more about our product from an independent third-party you can also reach out to our validated broker and trader who manage portfolios for carbon removals.

    Catch 23 AB was founded in 2020 and is a comprehensive Nordic retailer of captured carbon dioxide. The company works with the brokerage of captured carbon dioxide and communication about the benefits of carbon capture. For inquiries – please reach out to Victoria Sundberg. victoria.sundberg@catch23.se